Career Hiatus? How To Stay In The Game While You’re Taking A Break.

I happened to catch Good Morning America one day last week where they were running another story about unemployed mothers and were giving tips on how to stay involved, professionally speaking, while out of work. I assumed it was going to be the usual do’s and don’ts drivel about snazzy resumes, acing interviews and updating your professional style, but there was actually some good information there! Here’s what the “experts” recommend:

Maintain your professional contacts and accreditations
Keeping active relationships with your business contacts is just as important now that you’re out of the workplace than when you were in it. As the saying goes, it’s all who you know. Because you’ve kept in touch, it won’t seem awkward or uncomfortable reconnecting with them when you are ready to investigate returning to work. Also, don’t forget to maintain any professional accreditations you may have; this will keep you very attractive in the eyes of a potential employer.

Find a mentor
Re-entering the workforce is a daunting and lonely task, so be sure you have professional who has navigated these waters before and can help with the transition when the time comes. Your mentor can be a friend, a former colleague or a new introduction from another contact. Don’t uncomfortable asking someone to take on the “mentor” role; most people would be flattered and happy to share their professional wisdom with you.

Find volunteer positions
As if raising a family wasn’t work enough during your “time off”, volunteering for various roles and responsibilities will help you maintain professional activities that you can speak to during an interview.

Ready to go back to work? Check out our “So You Want Back In. Re-entering The Workforce” article for tips on getting your foot back in the professional door. Go get ‘em tiger!



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