Have You Heard? We’ve Got a New Feature Coming Soon….Kids Helping Kids Across Maine!

Are you ready to hear about this brand new section coming soon?

Kids helping kids.

Yup, your faith in humanity will be restored. There are kids all around the state and in our own community who are concerned for each other, and want to help. Our hope is to find them, hear their story and bring that story to you!  You never know how far your child’s kindness can reach and no act is too small.

This week I had the pleasure to interview two teenagers in the greater portland area who left me near tears at their thoughtfulness. Listening to them speak and share what’s on their hearts and minds. Next week I’m looking to some younger folk to capture their story for helping others.

Do you know of a kiddo (preschoolers through seniors in high school) who works to help others? Email us at geturfunon@portlandkidscalendar.com. And be on the look out for our first Featured Article next week. You’ll see it on our website.

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