Enough already! Five things you can do to beat the cold.

To reiterate how cold it is outside is becoming a tired cliché. Short of jumping on the first flight to a palm tree studded locale, here are some ways you can trick yourself, albeit temporarily, into feeling hot, hot, hot.

  1. After the kids go to bed tonight, run a scalding hot bath and lounge around with a good book or magazine. Put an umbrella in your drink and you *might* just think you’re laying on a beach in Tahiti.
  2. Make yourself an embarrassingly gigantic, steaming mug of hot cocoa. Throw caution to the wind and load it up with marshmallows or fluff. You burned enough calories from shoveling snow this weekend. You deserve it.
  3. Crank the heat high enough so that the whole family can walk around in shorts and a t-shirt. Just for one night, it’ll only cost you a couple of extra bucks. So worth it.
  4. Cook something in the crock pot (stew, oatmeal or even hot caramel apple cider). Your house will smell amazing and your body will appreciate the warmth.
  5. Load up on the bronzer. Being pasty white AND freezing just ain’t a good combination. The below temperatures outside may say ‘winter’, but you’re glowing, tanned face is saying ‘summer, summer, summer’.

What are your favorite tricks for beating the cold?

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